Installing Hotsos

There are a number of supported ways to install hotsos.

Debian Package (daily build)

This is the recommended way to install and is updated daily.

sudo add-apt-repository ppa:ubuntu-support-team/hotsos
sudo apt install hotsos

Snap Package

A new build is published to the snap edge channel after each commit landed in the main development branch. Builds are promoted to stable once tested.

Please note that the snap is now a strictly confined snap and therefore only supports sosreport Data Root since it will not have access outside of $HOME.

sudo snap install hotsos


A new build is published to PyPI after each commit lands in the main development branch.

Note: pipx is recommended instead of pip as it is considered more secure and installs in a virtual environment (venv). Requires Python >= 3.8

sudo apt install pipx
pipx install hotsos